Beauty begins with health.

Come, let's start the change with treatments prepared specifically for you.

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With 20 years of experience, the right amount of treatment is always applied.

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Renewal starting from the foundation with our 360-degree approach.

Fotoğraf: Çınar Alyamaç

Uz. Dr. Gökçen Alyamaç was born in Istanbul. After graduating with honors from Nişantaşı Girls' High School, she started her medical education at Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine in 1995 and graduated in 2001.

After working for a while in the General Surgery Department at Gazi University, she began her specialization training in the Dermatology Department at Dicle University in 2003, completing her specialization in 2008.

After completing her compulsory service at Diyarbakır Ergani State Hospital, she worked for a total of 12 years at various hospitals, including Medicalpark Gaziantep Hospital, Medicabil Bursa Hospital, VM Medicalpark Bursa Hospital, and Bursa Medicana Hospital. In 2020, she opened her own clinic.

Currently, she works at Uz. Dr. Gökçen Alyamaç Dermatology Clinic, focusing on cosmetic dermatology and dermatological diseases (psoriasis, eczema, acne treatment, hair and nail diseases), conducting research and studies in these fields.

Skin Diseases and Treatments
ACNE and its Treatment

Acne (commonly known as pimples) is a condition that results from the inflammation of the oil glands in the hair follicles. There are four main factors that contribute to the formation of acne:

Increased oil production: During adolescence, certain hormones (such as androgens, etc.) stimulate the oil glands excessively, causing them to enlarge and increase oil production. Individuals with acne tend to have oilier skin than normal individuals. Hormones that cause excessive oil production can also lead to problems such as increased body hair and irregular periods in women.

Increased stickiness in hair follicles: In individuals with acne, there is an increase in hair follicle cells, leading to blockages. Clinically, types of acne such as blackheads (open comedones) and whiteheads (closed comedones) occur in this way.

Microbial factors in the skin: Accumulation of certain microbes in the hair follicle can lead to acne formation. The most important of these microbes is known as Propionibacterium acnes. Others include Staphylococcus epidermidis and Pityrosporum ovale.

Inflammation: Certain substances released by bacteria that cause acne can lead to an inflammatory reaction. This results in the acne appearing as red, swollen, cystic, and painful.

Other Factors Contributing to Acne Formation:

  • Medications: Lithium, Hydantoins, Isoniazid, Glucocorticoids, Oral contraceptives, Iodides, Bromides, Androgens, Danazol.
  • Stress
  • Occlusion and pressure (resting hand on face)
  • Acne-inducing mineral oils
  • Cosmetics
  • Sun exposure

Specially formulated oral derivatives of vitamin A (isotretinoin) are used in the treatment of acne that is not resolved with common acne and antibiotic treatments. There is a lot of misinformation about this drug. Read the following explanations for accurate information about the drug.

  1. Does Isotretinoin cause infertility? The drug is a derivative of vitamin A, and vitamin A derivatives should not be used during pregnancy. If used, they can cause organ damage in the fetus. Therefore, ISOTRETINOIN should never be used in pregnant women. It is not recommended to become pregnant during the treatment and at least 1 month after the end of the treatment. The drug does not affect the reproductive organs.
  2. Does Isotretinoin cause depression or predispose to suicide? Scientific studies have not shown a connection between the use of isotretinoin and the risk of developing mental illness. However, patients who have previously received depression treatment are advised to use the drug carefully.
  3. The most common side effect of Isotretinoin is dryness of the skin. Dryness is observed on the skin, lips, and hair during isotretinoin treatment. Moisturizing creams and lotions should be used for the lips and skin during treatment. Dryness in the hair can sometimes lead to hair loss. However, this hair loss is temporary and returns to normal after discontinuation of the drug. Dry eyes can occur, and artificial tears can be used in this condition.
  4. Can Isotretinoin cause bone pain in patients? Bone pain may occur, especially in patients who use the drug for a long time and at high doses. However, this condition is not related to any disorder.
  5. Isotretinoin can cause an increase in blood lipids. Increases in blood lipids may occur in patients who use isotretinoin for a long time and at high doses. However, this side effect is not common in young patients and those receiving short-term treatment. Increased blood lipids due to the drug return to normal 2 months after discontinuation of the drug. Therefore, a blood test measuring lipid levels should be performed before starting the drug.
  6. Patients receiving isotretinoin treatment should not take tetracycline antibiotics, pure vitamin A drugs, and foods rich in vitamin A (such as carrots, liver, etc.). In addition, they should not consume alcohol with the drug.

Eczema is a group of diseases characterized by itchy redness, oozing sores, or crusted sores on the skin, which occur for various reasons. Eczema symptoms can occur anywhere on the body. Eczema can be seen in different stages. In the early stages, oozing, small water blisters may appear on the skin. Over time, oozing sores begin to dry out. In the late stages, the skin takes on the form of cracks or scabs. Itching accompanies the disease at every stage.


Vitiligo is a disease characterized by the loss of cells that give color to the skin, resulting in white patches. It can be seen anywhere on the body, but it is more common in areas exposed to the sun. It is more prominent in individuals with dark skin tones. Factors causing the development of the disease include sunlight, severe illness, and stress. The course of the disease varies from person to person. Sometimes the disease, which starts as a few white spots on the body, may spontaneously disappear after a while. However, in some cases, white spots may spread and not respond well to treatment. Certain internal organ diseases are more common in individuals with vitiligo. Thyroid hormone functions, diabetes, anemia, and vitamin deficiencies should be investigated in these patients.


Moles are formed by the abnormal placement of cells that give color to the skin underneath the skin. The colors, shapes, and sizes of moles vary depending on their placement. The most important factor causing the formation of moles is hereditary. Moles are more common in individuals with fair skin, blue-green eyes, those prone to freckles, and those with skin types that burn easily in the sun.


Psoriasis is a disease that appears on the skin as redness and scaling. The most frequently affected areas are the scalp, elbows, and knees. The disease usually starts in these areas. Sometimes it can spread to other areas of the skin. Psoriasis can occur at any age. Psoriasis is equally common in both men and women. It may cause itching in some patients. The disease shows periods of improvement and recurrence and can last for years. The duration of the disease varies from person to person. The disease may last for 1-2 months in some individuals, while in others, it may last for years. The disease is not contagious.


Nail fungus is observed as thickening of the nail plate and changes in color to yellow-brown. It can occur on both the fingernails and toenails. Structural abnormalities in the toes, constant moisture, excessive sweating, and tight shoes facilitate the formation of nail fungus. The treatment of nail fungus is a long-term and patience-demanding process. Nail fungus should be treated with special nail polishes and oral antifungal drugs. Oral medications should be used for 3-4 months. In recent years, laser methods have been used in the treatment of nail fungus. Laser treatment is performed once a week for a total of 4 sessions.

How Does Ingrown Toenail Occur and How Is It Treated? Ingrown toenail occurs as a result of wearing narrow and pointed shoes, cutting nails too short, and incorrect pedicure practices. The edges of the nails curl, enter the skin, and redness and swelling occur in the surrounding skin where the nail is ingrown. Ingrown toenails can lead to infections and cause discomfort while walking due to pain. Before the treatment of ingrown toenails, if there is an active infection, the infection should be treated first. If there is a mild ingrown toenail, relief can be provided by separating the ingrown part of the nail using wire and gauze. However, if the ingrown degree is high and there is frequent inflammatory swelling around the nail edge, the ingrown part of the nail can be removed for treatment. Proper nail cutting is essential in the treatment of ingrown toenails.

Hair Diseases and Treatments

Hair and hair styles have always been of great importance in society from a social and cultural perspective. However, some diseases and inappropriate hair care products can lead to hair loss. When hair starts to thin, excessive hair loss, or open areas on the scalp occur, it is essential to consult a dermatologist.

The growth and development of hair involve three stages:

  • Growth stage (Anagen Phase): Approximately 90% of the hair on a person's scalp is in the growth stage. This period lasts about 2-6 years.
  • Resting stage: The period following the growth stage, lasting about 2-3 months.
  • Shedding stage: After completing the resting stage, hair separates from the roots and falls out. New hair growth begins from the shed hair follicle, and the cycle starts again.
Hair grows about 2.5-3 cm per month. The growth rate decreases with age. It is normal to lose 50-100 hair strands per day. If there is more hair loss and thinning than this, it should be treated.

Why Does Hair Loss Occur?
  • Some chemicals applied to the hair, such as hair dyes, bleach, permanent waves, and hair strengthening agents, can cause damage to the hair. If these products are used frequently, left on the hair for a long time, or multiple applications are made simultaneously, they weaken the hair, leading to easy breakage.
  • Hair styling can lead to hair loss. Tightly tying or making ponytails can increase hair loss.
  • Washing, combing, and brushing hair too frequently can cause easy breakage and hair loss. After shampooing, the hair should be conditioned to facilitate easy combing. Hair is more prone to break, split, and fall when wet, so it should be combed or brushed after drying. Soft combs or brushes made of gentle materials should be used for the hair.
  • Genetic factors contribute to hair loss.
  • Febrile illnesses, thyroid diseases, iron deficiency, strict diet programs, cancer drugs, tuberculosis drugs can cause hair loss. Postpartum mothers may experience hair loss due to changes in hormone levels affecting the hair cycle.
  • Psychological factors and stress are among the most significant factors causing hair loss.
  • Regional hair loss (alopecia areata): More common in children, complete hair loss occurs in a limited area on the scalp. Sometimes hair loss can occur in all body hair. The exact cause of the disease is not fully understood. Stress and certain psychological problems can trigger the disease. Hair can grow back with treatment, but in rare cases, hair loss may be permanent.

Dermal Fillers and Botox Applications

One of the most important changes that occur in our skin over time is the reduction of subcutaneous fat and the loss of substances that provide moisture and tension to the skin. As a result of this process, volume loss, wrinkles, skin sagging, and thinning of the lips occur. Aesthetic dermal filler applications are specialized injection treatments performed under the skin to eliminate fine and deep wrinkles, fill hollows, erase scars, and address volume loss on the skin, with the goal of enhancing the appearance.

A more youthful appearance is achieved shortly after dermal filler injection treatment. Dermal filler aesthetics help eliminate fatigue from the face. Over the years, a reduction in elastic fibers, collagen fibers, fat layers, and hyaluronic acid in the skin leads to wrinkles and sagging. Especially in the areas around the eyes, mouth, jaw, neck, nose, and forehead, wrinkles and sagging become apparent. Dermal filler injections can be successfully used to address sagging and wrinkles in the lower parts of the face. Sometimes, dermal fillers may have a collagen-promoting effect. Hyaluronic acid is most commonly used for this purpose.


Botox is a medication derived from a bacterium called Clostridium Botulinum. It is used in various medical fields (physical therapy, eye and neurological diseases). In aesthetic dermatology, Botox is applied to treat wrinkles caused by facial expressions. Botox applications are performed into the muscles, causing a temporary relaxation of the muscles. When there is no muscle contraction, wrinkles caused by facial expressions do not form, or the formation of wrinkles is prevented.

Particularly effective in opening wrinkles in the forehead, around the eyes, frown lines, neck, and other areas, Botox application achieves significant success. The effects begin around the 3rd day after the application and show clear results by the 15th day. The application can be repeated after 4-6 months.

Application Areas:

  • Between the Eyebrows
  • Forehead
  • Around the Eyes
  • Around the Mouth
  • Chin
  • Neck

In addition to the traditional areas of use, Botox has been applied in recent times to fine wrinkles in the neck, upper lip, décolleté, cheek area, and to lift the tip of the nose in appropriate doses.

Plexr (Golden Needle)

PLEXR Treatment Overview:

PLEXR is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that utilizes plasma technology to treat various skin concerns and enhance facial aesthetics. The term "Altın İğne" translates to "Golden Needle" in English, which might be a colloquial or branded name for the PLEXR treatment.

How PLEXR Works: During a PLEXR treatment, a device ionizes gas particles in the air to create plasma. This plasma is then used to target specific areas of the skin, causing controlled micro-injuries. These micro-injuries stimulate the skin's natural healing processes, promoting collagen production and skin tightening.

Common Applications:

Skin Tightening: PLEXR is known for its effectiveness in tightening loose or sagging skin, particularly in areas like the eyelids, neck, and jawline.

Wrinkle Reduction: The controlled micro-injuries induced by PLEXR help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, providing a smoother complexion.

Scar Revision: PLEXR can be used to improve the appearance of scars, including acne scars or surgical scars, by promoting collagen remodeling.

Pigmentation Correction: The treatment may help address certain pigmentation issues, enhancing skin tone and texture.

Non-Surgical Eyelift: PLEXR is often employed for non-surgical eyelift procedures, lifting and rejuvenating the skin around the eyes.

Mole and Skin Lesion Removal: Certain skin lesions, moles, or benign growths can be treated or removed with PLEXR.

Recovery and Results: One of the advantages of PLEXR is its minimal downtime compared to surgical procedures. Patients may experience redness, swelling, and tiny scabs post-treatment, but these typically subside within a week or so. Results become more noticeable as the skin continues to heal, with optimal outcomes achieved over several weeks.

Considerations: It's crucial for individuals considering PLEXR to consult with a qualified and experienced practitioner. The treatment's safety and effectiveness depend on proper application and adherence to post-care instructions.

Golden Needle

Golden Needle Treatment Overview:

While the specific details may vary, this could refer to a facial rejuvenation technique or a specialized skincare treatment.

Potential Procedures:

Microneedling with Gold-Plated Needles: Microneedling involves the use of fine needles to create micro-injuries in the skin, stimulating collagen production. Gold-plated needles may enhance the overall experience and possibly offer additional benefits.

Gold Thread Lift: A non-surgical facelift technique where biocompatible gold threads are strategically inserted beneath the skin to lift and tighten sagging areas. This procedure provides immediate lifting effects and stimulates collagen for long-term improvements.

Golden Beauty Serums or Products: "Altın İğne" might also refer to skincare products enriched with gold particles, which are believed to have antioxidant properties and contribute to a radiant complexion.

Benefits of Gold in Skincare: Gold is often associated with skincare benefits, including improved blood circulation, enhanced skin elasticity, and a radiant glow. It's believed to have anti-inflammatory properties and can potentially aid in reducing signs of aging.

Considerations and Consultation: As with any cosmetic procedure, individuals interested in ALTIN İĞNE treatments should consult with a qualified skincare professional. A thorough assessment of skin type, concerns, and goals will help determine the most suitable approach.

Post-Treatment Care: The specific post-treatment care will depend on the chosen procedure. Generally, individuals may experience some redness or mild discomfort, and practitioners will provide guidelines for optimal recovery.

It's important to note that the provided information is based on general knowledge, and for accurate details, consulting with a licensed practitioner or aesthetician is recommended.

Mesotherapy and Stem Cell Applications

Hair loss can be classified into genetic and non-genetic types. Non-genetic hair loss may occur after childbirth, surgeries, due to medications, deficiencies, or post-stress. Thyroid diseases, iron deficiency, and vitamin deficiencies are significant factors in hair loss. Daily hair loss of up to 100 strands is considered normal, with more shedding often observed in the fall months. Mesotherapy can be applied as a primary treatment or as an additional therapy for various types of hair loss.

How is hair mesotherapy applied? Hair mesotherapy involves small injections into the scalp based on the type and severity of hair loss. Sessions can be performed at intervals of 10-15 days, and a total of 8-10 sessions may be recommended, depending on the intensity of shedding. Hair should not be washed on the day of the application. There are no side effects of hair mesotherapy, and a reduction in hair loss is usually observed after the third session.


Facial mesotherapy, also known as mesolift, is a method of mesotherapy applied to the face, neck, décolleté, and hands to rejuvenate the skin. Over time, our skin loses moisture, elasticity decreases, and a dull appearance sets in. The mesolift method reduces and eliminates these changes associated with aging.

What substances are used in facial mesotherapy? Hyaluronic acid, a crucial moisturizing substance for the skin, is used in mesolift. Injections of hyaluronic acid beneath the skin in dry skin types provide moisture, resulting in a radiant and luminous appearance. Vitamins (A, B, C, E vitamins), peptides, and minerals are used in mesolift to repair diminished or damaged collagen in the skin. These substances act as antioxidants, particularly beneficial for smokers and those with sun-damaged skin, aiding in skin repair and support.


Stem cell application involves isolating and multiplying fibroblasts, which promote skin youthfulness, from a small piece of tissue taken behind the ear in a laboratory setting. The multiplied cells are then reinjected into the face. This method utilizes the individual's own (autologous) living subdermal cells (fibroblasts) as a filler material for the treatment of wrinkles, deep grooves, lip shaping, acne scars, and even long-term skin wounds and scars. These cells stimulate collagen synthesis, facilitating skin regeneration.

Other Cosmetic Procedures
PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is the shortened name for platelet-rich plasma therapy. In this method, blood is taken from the individual, processed through a series of procedures in a special tube, and then re-injected into the same person through injections.


A Dermaroller is a tool with a handle held by hand and a cylindrical shape at the end surrounded by numerous extremely fine stainless steel needles. Dermaroller treatment is also known by various names such as "mesoroller," "microneedle treatment," or "collagen induction treatment." Dermaroller creates small wounds on the skin and tiny bleeding due to needling. This stimulates the wound healing mechanism, revealing growth factors that provide elasticity, firmness, and brightness to the skin. Therefore, the skin achieves hydration, fullness, elasticity, and radiance.

Anesthetic creams are applied before the treatment. Dermaroller procedures heal within 1-3 days without leaving a trace. For a desired effect in Dermaroller treatment, sessions are required at intervals of 4-6 weeks, and multiple needle insertions may be necessary. Dermaroller treatment can be combined with mesotherapy and PRP therapy.


Sweating is necessary for regulating our body temperature. However, sometimes our body produces more sweat than usual. This condition is called excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis). Excessive sweating can be due to underlying organ diseases. Some neurological diseases or hormonal disorders may cause excessive sweating. However, sometimes there is no underlying disease. Sweating may occur in psychological situations such as stress and embarrassment. In such cases, excessive sweating usually occurs in the armpits, palms, soles of the feet, and the forehead.

Excessive sweating is a social problem for many people. It can lead to staining of clothes and unpleasant odor. In recent years, the most effective treatment method for excessive sweating is botulinum toxin (Botox) applications. Botox prevents sweating by inhibiting the function of sweat glands.


Thread lift, using specially developed gold-plated threads, is a non-surgical facelift procedure. This method does not require any anesthesia. In this method, specially produced gold threads are placed under the skin. Within weeks, new collagen bundles that provide elasticity and firmness to the skin are stimulated. These threads placed under the skin increase circulation in the subcutaneous tissue and contribute to the increase of hyaluronic acid, providing moisture to the skin. Thus, the skin appears younger, and sagging and wrinkles decrease. The effect of the application starts within a few weeks and can last up to 2 years.

Which Threads are Used? In thread facelifts, threads made of PDO (polydioxanone), a material used in surgeries for years, are used. These threads are skin-compatible, completely absorbable, have no risk of allergy, and are reliable materials. They come in different thicknesses and sizes. The right thread selection should be made according to the desired effect. Smooth and spiral threads are used for skin rejuvenation treatments. Thick threads with prickly protrusions on the edge are used for skin sagging.

IMPORTANT: The content on this website is purely informative. It cannot replace real doctor supervision and examination. Uz. Dr. Gökçen Alyamaç cannot be held responsible for any complaints or situations that may arise from the application of the information on this site without medical control. Please consult your doctor for the most accurate diagnosis.

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